Premium Ready Peeled Durian

Ready peeled durian are delivered weekly to our shop which is usually Tuesday & Friday morning. Each durian is hand selected to only offer the best ripen quality
Please click the link below to our FAQs page.

FAQs - Buying / Reserving Ready To Eat Durian

Zero Waste Wall

You’ll never find unnecessary plastic packaging at RAYA. We buy in bulk to sell in reusable containers via gravity dispensers, scoop boxes and canisters. And don’t worry if you don’t have your own green way of taking your purchases home; you’ll be able to buy all you need from us. Our zero-waste wall not just enables and encourages – but insists on making every transaction environmentally friendly.

Home-made Products

Be part of our community! If you’ve grown something special or made your own outstanding Southeast Asian produce, we’d love to feature it in our local corner of our stand. We’re always on the lookout for amazing new suppliers: get in touch or just drop in.


Rice has become a part of Southeast Asian Culture with its long history intertwining into Southeast Asian ways of living. Jasmine Rice is the most popular rice among Asians and international exporters, however aromatic black rice, brown rice, germinated brown rice, Riceberry and glutinious rice are also well-known and available at our stand.

Rice & Pulses

Curry Pastes

Curry Pastes are the most significant ingredient of delicious Southeast Asian Curry dishes. A variety of our curry dishes are made from different types of Curry Pastes such as Green Curry, Red Curry and Yellow Curry Paste. The mix of herbs, spices and vegetables creates a unique taste.

Curry Pastes

Home-made Drinks

Sugarcane Juice (with Lime & Ginger) is available for delivery. We press our sugarcane daily to offer just the freshest of juices. 'Sugarcane juice is the liquid extracted from pressed sugarcane. Sugarcane and its derivatives have several known health benefits. We currently do not offer pure fresh sugarcane juice as it can typically be stored for no more than 24 hours when refrigerated at temperatures below 4 degree. But we do offer sugarcane juice with added lime & ginger for delivery as the added natural preservatives are extending the 'use by date with all their nutritional benefits.


RAYA at Borough Market

Fresh Produce

Locally Sourced Organic Vegetables

Where possible, we source organically grown vegetables from local farmers here in the UK.


Speciality Fruits & Vegetables

Shop our wide range of fresh fruit & vegetables from Southeast Asia.


Herbs & Spices

We offer a wide variety of herbs & spices which are used for creating Southeast Asian dishes.


Our store

Stand 1, Stoney Street, Borough Market

Monday: Closed

Tue. - Thur.: 8am - 5pm

Friday: 8am - 5m
Saturday: 8am - 5pm
Sunday: 8am - 4pm

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